A Garden in Autumn

Invited to speak in a private garden in Toulouse, the association organized on October 4, 2019 an event combining plastic and photographic exhibitions and performance in music and speech. Attended the evening: Annie Fabre, with her clear paintings, wire balls and other plastic constructions, one of which is made with 4 hands with Anmarie plus…

ARTUEL collective at the Catle BERTIER in Pinsaguel for Heritage Days

Artuel a le plaisir de vous inviter au vernissage de l’exposition “les métamorphoses d’Ovide revisitées” 14/15/16 septembre (Journées du Patrimoine)   21/22/23 septembre de 10h à 18h.   Vernissage Samedi 15 septembre  à 17h. L’exposition sera enrichie d’une déambulation musicale qui réunira deux musiciennes, Agnès Demeulenaere, hautboïste, et Lucie Laricq, violoniste, ainsi plus…


The project From January 8 to 22, 2016, ARTYFOCAL organized its launch festival in the premises of the radio Canal Sud in Toulouse around a collective exhibition and 3 thematic evenings: The exhibition brought together three photographers and one painter around themes close to abstraction. The vernissage took place on January 8th plus…